Thursday, July 14, 2016


Refuge du Col du Palet, July 13, 2016— 

DINNER today in another mountain refuge in the Parc national de la Vanoise. Lunch had been provided by the prejvious day's refuge de Rosuel: a little box of couscous, sliced ham, a stick of cheese, four inches of baguette, an apple, a couple of commercial madeleines, a candy bar. I saved half for tomorrow's lunch.

Dinner here began with a big bowl of carrot and potato soup into which we were invited to melt a good-sized slice of tomme, then continued, unusually for these refuges I think, with a bowl of white rice onto which we ladled — blanquette de veau! The French lady across the table was as surprised as I at the appearance of this old-fashioned lamb stew, and seemed to enjoy it as well as I.

Dessert: a cup of custard and a curious cookie-thing made apparently of chocolate-covered wheat flakes.

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