Thursday, May 28, 2015

Provisional dining

"La Riviera", Arignano, 28 May, 2015—
LONG DRIVE TODAY, and we ate very casually — out of bakeries, salumerias, and the like. Lunch was bread and salami at a rest stop, washed down with water. Dinner a little better: the same, followed by a delicious melon we bought the other day and have been ripening. Tomorrow will be better, but I should not two coppette of gelato: cream and fior di latte, of course, snd my belief it is that the Gelateria Pino Pistacchio is one of the best I've run into.

• Gelateria Pino Pistacchio, Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 73/A, Chieri; 011 9414241
Restaurants visited in 2015 are listed at Eatingday's Restaurants

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