Sunday, September 16, 2012

Another market menu

Eastside Road, September 15, 2012—
sALMON AND SAUSAGE and lima beans too; the Healdsburg Farm Market paid off double today. Well, why not: we had a grandson to dinner.

I made a fire of rosemary wood, and grilled the Nardello peppers over it; then the salmon, oiled and salted and peppers, and the sausages, delicious pork-and-veal ones from Franco Dunn. Lindsey cooked the lima beans in a little butter, as she does; and some nice potatoes from the farm next door. A fine supper on an Indian summer evening.
Cabernet sauvignon, Francis Coppola, 2002 (deep and mature: thanks, Kendall!)

Then, afterward, we drove into town for a cocktail and dessert. The Hanky Panky was pretty good — equal parts gin and Antica Carpano with a healthy dash of Fernet Branca and an orange zest. The panna cotta was revisionist, I'm afraid, with a scattering of cheese on top, and a couple of raspberries. Art and Industry overtake Nature here, as often happens in upscale kitchens. But it's fun.

• Cyrus Restaurant, 29 North Street, Healdsburg; (707) 433-3311

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