Sunday, October 19, 2008


Out to the garden a little after five o'clock to pick chard and basil for dinner. The chard is so pretty. I rinse it off, cut the stems from the leaves, and chop the stems into dice.

They cook in a little water and salt while I watch another inning; then I cut the leaves into squares an inch or two across and pile them on top of the stems.

Cook until ready, in this case the seventh inning, I think it was, and serve:

Fresh from the garden like this, the stems pretty well retain their color, and the chard tastes both sweet and meaty. After it,

penne al pesto — the pesto made the usual way: garlic, salt, pine nuts in the mortar; add the basil leaves; grate in some Pecorino and Parmesan; add olive oil.
Cheap Nero d'Avila

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