Monday, May 26, 2008

Kale and ceci

Kale, ceci, garlic, cumin, coriander, red pepper


WHEN I WAS A KID they were always canned, and we called them garbanzos. The correct English word is chick pea, of course, but somehow I can never call them that. In Italian, ceci. Tonight's were canned, too; canned organic garbanzos; I don't know where Lindsey got them. She'd chopped the kale pretty fine and steamed it, I imagine, in chicken stock, until done, with the garbanzos and spices. It's amazing how meaty a dish like that can be: even after a day's work, well, not that hard, two servings, with some nice toasted walnut bread, was enough for dinner.

Barbera d'Alba "La Loggia" 2005

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